work packages

The first work package delivered the overall project management, in order to ensure that the project and deliverables were produced on time, within budget and to an acceptable quality. Project reporting rules required by the funding body were followed, and appropriate administrative, financial and risk management practices were used.
Project management
Work package two was to establish an Exploitation and Dissemination Plan. This set out the business case for commercialising the technology including route to market, barriers to entry and further exploitation opportunities. It also developed a dissemination strategy, so the results were effectively published to the wider EU community, funding body, potential investors and the public domain.
Exploitation and dissemination
Taking the end user requirements, this work package defined the full specification for the PCM incorporating the PDD Motor, Actuator, Electrical Systems and Control. The specification created in this work package formed the basis of designs created in other work packages.
Specification Development
This work package created a Patent Landscape Report which detailed the patents relevant to the technology being developed within the project. The relevant patents were identified following a preliminary search within the technology boundaries and selected countries followed by a review and sorting process.
IP landscape assessment
Work package five looked at all possibilities within the constraints of the IP assessment and developed a concept that meets the targets as defined in the specification
concept development

Work package six focused on the development of high-fidelity switching level models of the fault-tolerant electrical drive. Development of actuator motion controllers and determination of sensor requirements and placements were carried out. An understanding of the behaviour of the system under normal and faulty conditions and development of fault detection techniques and controller re-configuration strategies were investigated. Finally the system stability within the required operating envelope was investigated.
controller design

This work package proposed fault tolerant rotating contactless power transfer system architectures as the input stage of the electric drive considering critical system parameters such as weight, size and efficiency. The development of high-fidelity Finite Element models of the contactless rotary transformer were carried out. Switching level models of power electronics converters of the contactless power transfer system and associated control strategies were developed. Finally, an understanding of the behaviour of the system under normal and faulty conditions were conducted and a development of fault detection techniques and controller re-configuration strategies.
power transfer design
This work package took the specification developed in Work Package 3 and the Concept designs developed in Work Package 5 to create a design for the PDD drive motor which provided mechanical power to the actuator system.

WP9 defined the failure modes of the actuator system within the test rig and recommending controls to mitigate these risks, including the ability to return to feather in the event of a failure. An analysis of system losses were carried out. A specification of stiffnesses, tolerances and clearances within the actuator system were calculated to enable assembly and ensure accurate operation (within specified blade angle tolerance) during operation.
actuator design

Work package 10 created and maintained a multi-physics, multi-fidelity simulation of the ROTATOR system that serve the requirements for Concept Development, all Detailed Design work packages, can be validated against test data and were suitable for use in assessing and monitoring in-service performance
electromechanical simulation/digital twin

WP11 focused on the physical design, development and optimisation of the mechanical components within the system and their manufacturing processes. This included topology optimisation of components focussed around lightweighting. The selection and development of appropriate manufacturing processes for each component enabled the lightest weight system. Production of prototype components were incorporation into the full scale test system.

WP12 included the development of integration approaches of the rotary transformer and associated primary- and secondary side power electronics circuits. This included a hardware demonstration of the power transfer system developed in WP7.
power tfr build and test

This work package took the Motor Design established in Work Package 8 including Manufacturing Drawings and Bill of Materials to procure and build the PDD Motor. Following satisfactory build, the PDD Motor was Factory Acceptance Tested on a bespoke test rig to establish its performance characteristics and demonstrate compliance with the specification developed in Work Package 3.
motor build and test

This work package delivered a fully functional test rig for the purposes of testing the combined PDD Motor and PCM system to demonstrate the performance and operational characteristics against the specification determined in Work Package 3.
actuator build and test

WP15 included the development of integration approaches of the PDD and the power electronics circuits. This also covered the hardware demonstration of the fault tolerant electrical drive developed in WP6
controller build and test

This work package delivered a fully tested combined PDD Motor and Actuator system. The work package took the PDD Motor built and test in Work Package 13 and combined it with the Actuator assembled in this work package. The power transfer system built and tested in work package 12 was also integrated with the PDD and Actuator to create the full PCM system.
full pcm testing

Vibration testing was carried out on the novel components forming the pitch control system including the rotating transformer and the motor. The purpose of these tests were to evaluate the effects on system performance of extended exposure to typical operational conditions.
environmental testing